Catalina Cruz yoga workout with some meditation

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I have been working out a lot whether it is long walks, cardio and weights at the gym or simply just doing stretching and simple yoga at home. I just always feel better when I am moving. I also LOVE shooting. It keeps me busy, my mind and body. Not to bring the mood down… I sometimes get afraid to really say what is on my mind or going on just for fear of ruining the sexy mood. But the truth is we are all human and go through adversity and life. I have been very sad as my dad is dying. This has been going on for a long time as he has been battling Parkinsons, dementia and an autoimmune disease as well. It is difficult to even write it or even talk about it. I just keep it inside often. It is coming to a point though when I know he will not be here with us so I guess I wanted to talk about it some. I recently went to visit him back in Ohio and I am planning on going again. I facetime with him often even though things are changing with my Dad coming in and out of being awake and sleeping. He still knows who I am, I am lucky to have this and I know each time that can change. He is the type of person who wants me to keep going. He is a go-getter and I am so grateful to have a Dad like this who supports me even when I am sure others are saying things. So, I am doing what I feel he wants and even though many times I don’t want to keep going because I am sad with grief, I am. I hope anyone out there feeling this pain will go on too because I think they would want us to.

This is a very heavy and mixed blog but I wanted to bring it up because lately I have felt like I wasn’t being me and just straight forward. Thank you so much for always supporting me! It helps me more than you’ll ever know. I absolutely love entertaining and it actually is helping me especially now. I am grateful for all of you. Just know if you are going through a hard time or loss I understand.

To now lighten the mood, here are some pics from my most recent video I shot which goes back to working out. This is now released for fans. I hope you enjoy yourself.

Love you all!!! Thanks for reading, listening and looking too. xoxo Catalina Cruz

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1 thought on “Catalina Cruz yoga workout with some meditation


    Hello Catalina, it is a very difficult time for you, the same for me, the recovery for me will be slow very slow, your difficulty seriously fills me with sadness I do not know how you can present yourself to us every week and show the best of you in body and emotion, and we asking so much from you, it makes me feel very guilty, in my country there is a phrase that says “nobody knows about anyone”, I am with you as a true fan now and whenever possible, I encourage you to move on, my best wishes for your father, and all your family, I ask you not to quit your job yet we still have a lot to see from you, one day that moment will come, be strong, we all love you very much, and we will wait for you for as long as necessary , with love Miguel ………

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