Catalina Cruz and Brenna Sparks spring break sex tape April 3, 2017

It is that time of year again! Spring Break time! To be honest, I never went on Spring Break in my college days but I am making up for it some now. My Spring Break fantasy video is releasing in just a few days, Monday April 3, 2017. Brenna & I come in from the pool only to find bright lights and a camera set up to film us in a kinky threesome. Brenna is so bubbly. excited and all in to be wild & crazy on her vacation. Watch sweet & sexy Brenna in her first threesome. Brenna is the Fantasy Girl of the Month for April too. After you see her in action, you will understand why. I love her positive, friendly spirit. I think that makes a person even sexier than what is on the outside.

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1 thought on “Catalina Cruz and Brenna Sparks spring break sex tape April 3, 2017

  1. Rick

    Your tits were utterly perfect. What size were you before, what were you enchanted to. Any chance you might consider the Picosure surgery, and remove your tattoos? You’re so gorgeous. Would love to see you also get breast REDUCTION to what you were in 2008! Hope you have a great week! ??????????

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